Dr Lionel Aboussouan, EPMA, France
Dr Yves Bienvenu, Mines de Paris, France
Prof Regis Bigot, Manoir Industries, France
Dr Pierre Blanchard, Erasteel Kloster, France
Mr Jean Marc Borel, Rio Tinto Metal Powders, Germany
Prof Didier Bouvard, Grenoble INP, France
Mr Thierry Calmes, Höganäs France SA, France
Mr Ralf Carlström, Digital Metal / Höganäs AB, Sweden
Mrs Martine Chambrelent, Poudmet SAS, France
Mr Andy Cormack, EPMA, United Kingdom
Dr.-Ing. Ingo Cremer, Cremer Thermoprozessanlagen GmbH, Germany
Ms Claire de Langeron, A3M, France
Mr Frederic Descaves, CETIM, France
Dr Luc Federzoni, CEA/LITEN, France
Mr Pierre-Yves Filippi, USPF – Umicore Specialty Powders France, France
Aurélie Franceschini, IRT M2P, France

Mr Philippe Francois, Rio Tinto Metal Powders, France
Dr Ing Thomas Geneves, Framatome, France
Mrs Stephanie Giesen, Cremer Thermoprozessanlagen GmbH, Germany
Dr Jacqueline Gruber, Cremer Thermoprozessanlagen GmbH, Germany
Dr Vasile Iosub, CEA/LITEN, France
Ms Maéva Juillet Gagneux, EPMA, France
Mr Christoph Laumen, Linde Gases Division, Germany
Prof Alberto Molinari, University of Trento, Italy
Dr Cesar Molins, AMES, Spain
Mrs Mireille Pivot, Höganäs France SA, France
Ms Daniele Quantin, SF2M, France
Dr Pascal Revirand, CEA/LITEN, France
Mr Christophe Reynaud, CETIM, France
Ms Adeline Riou, ERAMET Alliages, France
Dr Sophie Roure, Schneider Electric Industries SA, France
Prof José Manuel Torralba, IMDEA, Spain

The EPMA would like to express its gratitude to members of the Wolrd PM2022 Steering Committee for their generous help and support during the organisation of the event.