Prof Didier Bouvard
University Grenoble Alpes, France
After graduating in civil engineering in Paris, Didier Bouvard prepared a PhD. thesis on the constitutive behavior of geomaterials in Grenoble. Next he stayed as a postdoc at UNAM University in Mexico. Back to Grenoble, he was appointed as a CNRS researcher and started working on powder processing. After a sabbatical year at UC Santa Barbara, he became a professor at Université Grenoble Alpes in 1994. Since then, he has been investigating the sintering of metal and ceramic powders by coupling experiments and simulations in close connection with industrial companies. He is the author of about 250 papers in international journals and proceedings and he advised 28 PhD. students. Didier Bouvard chaired several international meeting as the Sintering 2005 conference and the European Powder Metallurgy conference in 2007. He is a member of the board that co-organizes the Sintering conference series and a member of the European Powder Metallurgy Institute.

Mrs Adeline Riou
Aubert & Duval, Paris, France
Adeline Riou is Global Sales Manager for Metal Powders for additive manufacturing at Aubert&Duval and the co-author of the “Introduction to Additive Manufacturing Technolgy” and “Introduction to Hot Isostatic Pressing Technology” guides published by EPMA.
Previous associative activities:
- 2009-2015 Co-chair of the EuroHIP group
- 2011-2014 Europe Vice chairman of the IHC-International HIP Committee
- 2001-2011 General Secretary of the HSS Forum